We are dedicated to improving local communities through volunteer service.

Join Us!

Our Partnership with the Women’s Suffrage National Monument
Join us in funding the first U.S. monument dedicated to Women’s History
An International Organization with
Global Impact
Who we are
With more than 60,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state, the District of Columbia, and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members work in their own communities to support the arts, preserve natural resources, advance education, promote healthy lifestyles, and encourage civic involvement, issues related to domestic and sexual violence awareness/prevention, and advocating for children.
General Federation of Women’s Clubs members vary in age, talents, location, background, and profession, but are united in their dedication to actively improve the lives of others.
members in affiliated clubs in every state
existing volunteer clubs across the globe
founded in 1890, GFWC has over a century of history


GFWC Learning Gateway Webinars
Join the 2024-2026 GFWC Honorary Chairmen to learn from the experts. These free webinars cover topics like heart health, branding, and entrepreneurship. Register under the Events page.

Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention
GFWC creates and leads education, public awareness, and service projects for club members and local citizens at the community level; collaborates with national domestic violence networks and organizations; supports existing activities and established programs; advocates for victims and survivors; and provides educational opportunities to survivors.
GFWC aims to be a powerful voice for victims and survivors.

WHRC: Women’s History and Resource Center
Founded in 1984, the GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center (WHRC) collects, preserves, interprets, and promotes the history of GFWC. The WHRC documents the social and political contributions of GFWC clubwomen from 1890 to the present through the GFWC archives and related special collections.
GFWC Learning Gateway Webinars
Join the 2024-2026 GFWC Honorary Chairmen to learn from the experts. These free webinars cover topics like heart health, branding, and entrepreneurship. Register under the Events page.
Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention
GFWC creates and leads education, public awareness, and service projects for club members and local citizens at the community level; collaborates with national domestic violence networks and organizations; supports existing activities and established programs; advocates for victims and survivors; and provides educational opportunities to survivors.
GFWC aims to be a powerful voice for victims and survivors.
WHRC: Women’s History and Resource Center
Founded in 1984, the GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center (WHRC) collects, preserves, interprets, and promotes the history of GFWC. The WHRC documents the social and political contributions of GFWC clubwomen from 1890 to the present through the GFWC archives and related special collections.

Support Us
GFWC Designated Funds support the work of GFWC by providing essential funding in targeted areas. They are vital to continue GFWC’s mission of strengthening our communities and enhancing the lives of others.

Who are you WEARing RED for toDAY?…
Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Counted.
Know the signs of a stroke and heartache before they happen. The more you know could save your life or someone else's.
Please share your club's photos with us in honor of "National Wear Red Day!"
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WearRedDay #WearRedAndGive #IAmGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #hearthealth #healthylifestyle #healthyliving … See MoreSee Less

To learn more about the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta, visit: www.gfwc.org/annual-convention/
GFWC looks forward to hosting you in Atlanta… see you there!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #gfwc25ac … See MoreSee Less

2025 Women's History Month
Join us for GFWC's annual Women's History Month Celebration. Featuring a presentation from "A Tour of Her Own" of women's stories from the Dupont-Kalorama neighborhood. Learn more about the women who shaped this influential area of Washington, D.C., from local experts while enjoying the splendor of the almost 150-year-old GFWC Headquarters building.
This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the presentations.
Please RSVP by February 26, 2025.
To register, visit: memberportal.gfwc.org/events
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit … See MoreSee Less

2025 GFWC "Call to Convention" — Download PDF Today!
GFWC is delighted to present the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta, "Call to Convention!"
Hotel reservations and event registration is currently open and runs through Sunday, April 13. Please register early to secure the best rates for accommodations and travel.
To learn more about the event and make reservations, please visit: www.gfwc.org/annual-convention/
For more information, email GFWC Events Manager Nishu Raina at NRaina@GFWC.org.
See you in Atlanta!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta #gfwc25ac … See MoreSee Less

It's WHRC Wednesday, and the first Wednesday of Black History Month! Your Women's History and Resource Center Librarian often spends her morning commute reading history (naturally enough), and just this morning she learned about Clara Brown (1880-1885): entrepreneur, philanthropist, and likely the first Black woman to settle in Colorado. Born into slavery, she became free in the 1850s and decided to head west in the hopes of finding her daughter, who had been sold away from her decades earlier. After a few years in Denver she moved to Central City CO, where she opened a laundry business; over the years she served as a midwife and nurse in this mining community, and used her savings to support churches and schools. After the Civil War, she travelled to Kentucky and Kansas to help newly-freed African Americans make the move to Colorado. And throughout all of this, she never stopped looking for her daughter. At last, Eliza was found living in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and mother and daughter were reunited in 1882, returning to Denver.
Clara Brown died in Denver in 1885. Before her death she became the first woman to join the Society of Colorado Pioneers, recognizing residents who had arrived before 1861. In 1989 she was inducted into the Colorado Woman's Hall of Fame, and in 2022, into the Colorado Business Hall of Fame. (There's even an opera about her life story.) In my reading this morning I came across a reference to her membership in women's clubs, but haven't been able to pin that down yet; though the Colorado Federation of Women's Clubs was founded in 1895, and the Colorado Association of Colored Women's Clubs in 1904, there were clubs for both White and Black women in existence in Denver before Brown's death in 1885 – and her many charitable and philanthropic endeavors lead one to believe she had the spirit of a clubwoman, if nothing else.
As always, our Facebook posts can give only the briefest of glimpses into the histories we present; we encourage you to take some time to learn a bit more about Clara Brown's life and career. (Just don't do it on the subway if, like me, you're prone to tears when you read about a mother reuniting with a daughter she never stopped searching for. Sorry, fellow commuters!) I'll throw a link to her page at the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame into the comments, to get you started. And if anyone can shed light on her possible club membership, please let us know!
What stories and histories are inspiring you this Black History Month?
📷Clara Brown, circa 1875. From the collection of the Denver Public Library.
#WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #BlackHistoryMonth2025 … See MoreSee Less

Did you know that the #1 killer of women is cardiovascular disease?
It is never too early to learn about heart health and what you can do to keep yours healthy for a lifetime. The month of February is dedicated to "healthy heart" awareness.
Learn the symptoms of a stroke and heartache, and what a healthy diet consists of to maintain your heart's health.
Please mark your calendars today for Friday, February 7, "National Wear Red Day" to raise awareness on this important topic.
Be sure to share your photos with us throughout the day!
To learn more, visit: www.heart.org
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #healthylifestyle #HealthyLiving #WearRedDay #HeartHealth … See MoreSee Less

It's WHRC Wednesday! Throughout the GFWC archives you can find evidence of our longstanding commitment to children's health. For decades, we have helped organizations like our affiliate March of Dimes (originally the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis) fight dangerous diseases and improve health outcomes for babies and children.
The battle against the dreaded poliomyelitis – or "infantile paralysis" – was a vital GFWC project in the early and mid 20th century. Reading our magazine from the 1930s and 1940s, you can find guidance on avoiding the disease, program ideas for helping your community through an outbreak, and pleas for volunteer assistance in caring for victims. Countless clubwomen pitched in, like Ruth A. Pipal of the Columbian Club (Boise, Idaho) who organized hundreds of women to "entertain, read, and play with the crippled children" during the polio epidemic of 1948.
When Dr. Jonas Salk and his colleagues introduced the life-saving polio vaccine in 1955, our members – especially the Juniors – added it to their arsenal in the fight, focusing on community vaccination efforts and fundraising for the Salk Institute. A letter from Director of Junior Clubs Phyllis Curtis (1958-1960) to State Junior Directors in November 1959 urged her readers to maintain their momentum in the ongoing fight: "If you want to help others keep walking – keep Salk-ing."
In 1994, thanks in no small part to GFWC club members, polio was considered eliminated in both North and South America.
📷Framed certificate: "The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Award of Gratitude – General Federation of Women's Clubs – For inspiring volunteer leadership and cooperation in educational endeavors to increase knowledge of the patient care, professional training and research programs of The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis; for generous voluntary support of the March of Dimes and the participation in the Mother's March on Polio by countless clubs of your warm hearted Federation; for dedication of purpose and effort to improve national health and welfare and help achieve our common goal of victory over polio. May 27, 1953".
#clubwomeninaction #clubwomeninhistory … See MoreSee Less

2025 GFWC Annual Convention — Now Accepting Program Ads
Show your appreciation for your GFWC sisters' good works!
GFWC is presently accepting ads for inclusion in the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention Program, which is distributed to all attendees.
You have the options of purchasing a full-page, half-page, or quarter-page ads. Orders along with payment must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
To download an order form, visit: memberportal.gfwc.org/resources/convention/366/convention-program-ad-form-2025_fillable
For more information, please contact Design and Publications Manager Candice Gill at CGill@GFWC.org.
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #gfwc2025ac #iamgfwc #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta … See MoreSee Less
Who are you WEARing RED for toDAY?…
Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Counted.
Know the signs of a stroke and heartache before they happen. The more you know could save your life or someone else`s.
Please share your club`s photos with us in honor of "National Wear Red Day!"
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WearRedDay #WearRedAndGive #IAmGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #hearthealth #healthylifestyle #healthyliving

Who are you WEARing RED for toDAY?…
Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Counted.
Know the signs of a stroke and heartache before they happen. The more you know could save your life or someone else`s.
Please share your club`s photos with us in honor of "National Wear Red Day!"
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WearRedDay #WearRedAndGive #IAmGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #hearthealth #healthylifestyle #healthyliving …
2025 Women`s History Month
Join us for GFWC`s annual Women`s History Month Celebration. Featuring a presentation from "A Tour of Her Own" of women`s stories from the Dupont-Kalorama neighborhood.
Learn more about the women who shaped this influential area of Washington, D.C., from local experts while enjoying the splendor of the almost 150-year-old GFWC Headquarters building.
This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the presentations.
Please RSVP by February 26, 2025.
To register, visit: memberportal.gfwc.org/events
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit

2025 Women`s History Month
Join us for GFWC`s annual Women`s History Month Celebration. Featuring a presentation from "A Tour of Her Own" of women`s stories from the Dupont-Kalorama neighborhood.
Learn more about the women who shaped this influential area of Washington, D.C., from local experts while enjoying the splendor of the almost 150-year-old GFWC Headquarters building.
This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the presentations.
Please RSVP by February 26, 2025.
To register, visit: memberportal.gfwc.org/events
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #WomensHistoryisAmericanHistory #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit …
2025 GFWC "Call to Convention" — Download PDF Today!
GFWC is delighted to present the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta, "Call to Convention!"
Hotel reservations and event registration is currently open and runs through Sunday, April 13. Please register early to secure the best rates for accommodations and travel.
To learn more about the event and make reservations, please visit: https://www.gfwc.org/annual-convention/
For more information, email GFWC Events Manager Nishu Raina at NRaina@GFWC.org.
See you in Atlanta!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta #gfwc25ac

2025 GFWC "Call to Convention" — Download PDF Today!
GFWC is delighted to present the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 6-9, in Atlanta, "Call to Convention!"
Hotel reservations and event registration is currently open and runs through Sunday, April 13. Please register early to secure the best rates for accommodations and travel.
To learn more about the event and make reservations, please visit: https://www.gfwc.org/annual-convention/
For more information, email GFWC Events Manager Nishu Raina at NRaina@GFWC.org.
See you in Atlanta!
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta #gfwc25ac …
Did you know that the #1 killer of women is cardiovascular disease?
It is never too early to learn about heart health and what you can do to keep yours healthy for a lifetime. The month of February is dedicated to "healthy heart" awareness.
Learn the symptoms of a stroke and heartache, and what a healthy diet consists of to maintain your heart`s health.
Please mark your calendars today for Friday, February 7, "National Wear Red Day" to raise awareness on this important topic.
Be sure to share your photos with us throughout the day!
To learn more, visit: www.heart.org
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #healthylifestyle #HealthyLiving #WearRedDay #HeartHealth

Did you know that the #1 killer of women is cardiovascular disease?
It is never too early to learn about heart health and what you can do to keep yours healthy for a lifetime. The month of February is dedicated to "healthy heart" awareness.
Learn the symptoms of a stroke and heartache, and what a healthy diet consists of to maintain your heart`s health.
Please mark your calendars today for Friday, February 7, "National Wear Red Day" to raise awareness on this important topic.
Be sure to share your photos with us throughout the day!
To learn more, visit: www.heart.org
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #healthylifestyle #HealthyLiving #WearRedDay #HeartHealth …
2025 GFWC Annual Convention — Now Accepting Program Ads
Show your appreciation for your GFWC sisters` good works!
GFWC is presently accepting ads for inclusion in the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention Program, which is distributed to all attendees.
You have the options of purchasing a full-page, half-page, or quarter-page ads. Orders along with payment must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
To download an order form, visit: https://memberportal.gfwc.org/…/convention-program-ad…
For more information, please contact Design and Publications Manager Candice Gill at CGill@GFWC.org.
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #gfwc2025ac #iamgfwc #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta

2025 GFWC Annual Convention — Now Accepting Program Ads
Show your appreciation for your GFWC sisters` good works!
GFWC is presently accepting ads for inclusion in the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention Program, which is distributed to all attendees.
You have the options of purchasing a full-page, half-page, or quarter-page ads. Orders along with payment must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1, 2025.
To download an order form, visit: https://memberportal.gfwc.org/…/convention-program-ad…
For more information, please contact Design and Publications Manager Candice Gill at CGill@GFWC.org.
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #gfwc2025ac #iamgfwc #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #atlanta …
Book your room today for the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 7-9, in Atlanta, to receive GFWC rate!
The OMNI Atlanta at Centennial Park is conveniently connected to the College Football Hall of Fame and one block from the World of Coke and Georgia Aquarium. It is located in the center of it all.
Don’t miss out on the excitement of this year’s Convention!
To view hotel`s amenities and photos, visit: https://bookings.omnihotels.com/…/2025-gfwc-annual…
For hotel reservations, visit: https://bookings.omnihotels.com/…/2025-gfwc-annual
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #iamgfwc #GFWC2025AC

Book your room today for the 2025 GFWC Annual Convention, June 7-9, in Atlanta, to receive GFWC rate!
The OMNI Atlanta at Centennial Park is conveniently connected to the College Football Hall of Fame and one block from the World of Coke and Georgia Aquarium. It is located in the center of it all.
Don’t miss out on the excitement of this year’s Convention!
To view hotel`s amenities and photos, visit: https://bookings.omnihotels.com/…/2025-gfwc-annual…
For hotel reservations, visit: https://bookings.omnihotels.com/…/2025-gfwc-annual
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #iamgfwc #GFWC2025AC …
Registration Open for THREE Upcoming Webinars… Be sure to register today!
January 27, 2025 @ 7 PM ET — ESO Beyond the Page, Mystery with a Mission — https://bit.ly/3AkgYoc
February 5, 2025 @ 7 PM ET — Heart Health Awareness Month
February 11, 2025 @ 7 PM ET — The Role Storytelling Plays in Advancing a Brand and Building Membership — https://bit.ly/3UI3Srs
To learn more about GFWC events, visit: www.GFWC.org
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #iamgfwc #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #gfwclearning

Registration Open for THREE Upcoming Webinars… Be sure to register today!
January 27, 2025 @ 7 PM ET — ESO Beyond the Page, Mystery with a Mission — https://bit.ly/3AkgYoc
February 5, 2025 @ 7 PM ET — Heart Health Awareness Month
February 11, 2025 @ 7 PM ET — The Role Storytelling Plays in Advancing a Brand and Building Membership — https://bit.ly/3UI3Srs
To learn more about GFWC events, visit: www.GFWC.org
#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #GFWCAdvocacy #iamgfwc #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit #gfwclearning …
Members of the GFWC Woman`s Club of Lacey, Inc (NJ) Domestic & Sexual Violence/Awareness & Prevention group met to fill 10 knitted Christmas stockings for the clients of Providence House. Providence House provides services to individuals and families experiencing domestic violence.
Each stocking held the following items: hand lotion, ChapSticks, nail polish and nail files, toothbrush and floss, activity book, snacks, tissues, wipes, earrings, candles, cookies, chocolates, etc.
Thank you ladies, for supporting others this holiday season.
#VolunteersInAction #gfwc

Members of the GFWC Woman`s Club of Lacey, Inc (NJ) Domestic & Sexual Violence/Awareness & Prevention group met to fill 10 knitted Christmas stockings for the clients of Providence House. Providence House provides services to individuals and families experiencing domestic violence.
Each stocking held the following items: hand lotion, ChapSticks, nail polish and nail files, toothbrush and floss, activity book, snacks, tissues, wipes, earrings, candles, cookies, chocolates, etc.
Thank you ladies, for supporting others this holiday season.
#VolunteersInAction #gfwc …
On December 7th, GFWC Temple Terrace Juniorettes worked with the GFWC Temple Terrace Junior Woman’s Club to hold “Selfies with Santa,” an event filled with fun, games, and the chance for kids (and pets) to have their picture taken with Santa Clause in a beautifully decorated gazebo. Thanks to the Juniorette club, founded in 1988 and co-sponsored by GFWC Temple Terrace Woman’s Club and GFWC Temple Terrace Juniors, young women have the chance to participate in service projects and provide meaningful impacts in their community.

On December 7th, GFWC Temple Terrace Juniorettes worked with the GFWC Temple Terrace Junior Woman’s Club to hold “Selfies with Santa,” an event filled with fun, games, and the chance for kids (and pets) to have their picture taken with Santa Clause in a beautifully decorated gazebo. Thanks to the Juniorette club, founded in 1988 and co-sponsored by GFWC Temple Terrace Woman’s Club and GFWC Temple Terrace Juniors, young women have the chance to participate in service projects and provide meaningful impacts in their community. …
GFWC International President Suellen Brazil met with Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville, during which the two connected over their shared experiences as educators and and the importance of supporting education at all levels.
After conveying GFWC’s mission with Senator Tuberville, Brazil spoke to GFWC’s commitment to advocating for resources and expanded care for veterans and caregivers across the country in addition to the need to support initiatives for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Meetings such as this raise public awareness of GFWC’s legislative advocacy work and collective efforts to support important causes and contribute meaningfully to society.

GFWC International President Suellen Brazil met with Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville, during which the two connected over their shared experiences as educators and and the importance of supporting education at all levels.
After conveying GFWC’s mission with Senator Tuberville, Brazil spoke to GFWC’s commitment to advocating for resources and expanded care for veterans and caregivers across the country in addition to the need to support initiatives for victims of domestic and sexual violence. Meetings such as this raise public awareness of GFWC’s legislative advocacy work and collective efforts to support important causes and contribute meaningfully to society. …