Since its inception in 1890, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) has been a beacon of community-driven activism, uniting its members to address national and global concerns. Over the decades, dedicated groups of clubwomen, acting as grassroots activists, have left an indelible mark on society. From rural outposts to bustling urban centers, these women have spurred men into action on matters of civic importance.

Central to our organization’s history is the process of introducing and supporting legislation through resolutions. Through this method, GFWC has effectively championed various causes, shaping legislative agendas and impacting policy decisions.

In our illustrious history, GFWC’s legislative strategy and our clubwomen’s advocacy have yielded significant accomplishments:

  • We have tirelessly campaigned for ordinances prohibiting the sale of objectionable literature, including materials promoting crime, sex, and horror, especially those accessible to children.
  • We have been vocal advocates for equitable access to vaccinations on a global scale.
  • We have worked diligently to raise awareness and resources for the preservation of our national parks and the conservation of natural resources.
  • We have staunchly advocated for clean water and air in all communities.

As GFWC continues its successful trajectory of grassroots advocacy, we proudly highlight over 14,000 legislative actions aimed at prompting Congress to address crucial issues such as domestic violence, women’s suffrage, veterans’ rights, and vaccination initiatives, among others.

Current Legislative Efforts


In early July 2024, GFWC proudly co-signed an anti-trafficking coalition letter urging the Senate to enact the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA, H.R. 5856) which is a foundational piece of anti-trafficking legislation because it governs the federal government’s comprehensive response to human trafficking. The bill was approved by the House of Representatives in February by a strong bipartisan vote. Importantly, the coalition letter also urges a more comprehensive package by adding the International Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (S. 920) recently approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Online Child Safety

In mid-July 2024, the Senate passed a bill supported by GFWC. The Stopping Harmful Image Exploitation and Limiting Distribution (SHIELD) Act sponsored by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and John Cornyn (R-TX) will establish federal liability for those who share private images without consent, providing federal law enforcement with the tools they need to crack down on serious privacy violations. Current state laws offer incomplete and inconsistent protection for victims of non-consensual image exploitation and abuse, which disproportionately target women and children.

Focus Areas

Recent Legislative Successes

FY 2024 Federal Appropriations Finally Finished

During March, Congress finally completed action on the twelve FY 2024 appropriation bills, combining them into two packages gaining bipartisan support, avoiding a government shutdown, and rejecting catastrophic cuts that were to take effect if the measures were not enacted by early April.


GFWC focuses its advocacy efforts on funding for programs that prevent domestic violence and sexual assault and support survivors and their families. GFWC urged increased FY 2024 funding for the programs authorized in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Congress provided $713 million, the highest funding level ever, for grants provided by the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice. While most of the programs received the same amount of funding they received in FY 2023—for the first time—Congress is providing dedicated funding to increase access to Sexual Assault Nurse Exams and to address cybercrimes. The bill also includes $10 million to incentivize states to adopt laws that protect the rights of sexual assault survivors.

The appropriations bill provides $51.5 million to support the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative, which is administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance and supports multi-disciplinary community response teams tasked with developing and implementing comprehensive reform regarding sexual assault, including reducing the backlog of rape kits at law enforcement agencies. GFWC urged Congress to pass the Debbie Smith Act, which reauthorizes these programs, and provide full funding.

The Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) program is funded at $1.4 billion, a $153 million increase over the President’s FY 2024 budget request and earlier versions of the House and Senate appropriations bills.  Still, it will constitute a roughly $630 million cut to FY 2024 VOCA grants for local domestic violence and sexual assault programs. The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act programs and the Rape Prevention and Education program at the Department of Health and Human Services, and the injury prevention programs at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) all received level funding. 

Food Insecurity

In the FY 2024 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, Congress enacted full funding for nutrition programs, including the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and the Child Nutrition Program which includes the school lunch program, school breakfast program, and the Summer EBT program to ensure schools can continue to serve healthy meals to all eligible children. Utilizing our GFWC Legislative Action Center, GFWC urged Congress to strengthen these programs in the Farm Bill and provide full funding.


GFWC members vary in age, talents, location, background, and profession, but are united in their dedication to actively improve the lives of others.


members in affiliated clubs in every state


existing volunteer clubs across the globe


founded in 1890, GFWC has over a century of history