WHRC: From the Archives

Freddie Hilp and the GFWC Overseas Unit

By: Joanna Church, Women’s History and Resource Center Librarian

Welcome back to our new monthly blog series, direct from the GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center! Here, we’ll highlight stories of General Federation history, pulled from our unique archival, photograph, and artifact collections. Check back on the first Thursday of each month for a new post.

During World War I, the General Federation of Women’s Clubs formed a War Victory Commission to identify projects and raise funds to support the war effort. One major area of concern was the need for wholesome recreation opportunities for U.S. servicemen, especially after the November 1918 Armistice when troops waited many months for transportation home. Organizations like the American Red Cross, the YMCA and YWCA, the American Library Association, and the Jewish Welfare Board worked together to supply refreshment, recreation, and entertainment to the American Expeditionary Forces; GFWC joined in by recruiting several dozen women from across the country for a new “GFWC Unit for Overseas Service.” These women were assigned canteen duty in France, Belgium, and Germany: serving refreshments, hosting dances, and boosting morale.

Four of the Overseas Unit members, 1920

GFWC Overseas Unit members, 1920. Their YMCA uniforms are embellished with “General Federation of Women’s Clubs” armbands. (See full photograph at bottom of this post.)

The GFWC Overseas Unit members were not necessarily clubwomen themselves, but we expected these “Daughters of the Federation” to represent our organization while in Europe. GFWC President Ione Cowles entreated them “to exemplify for us the fine spirit of consecrated American womanhood,” helping to remind the troops of what they had fought for and who was waiting for them (mothers, wives, sweethearts) at home.

In a report to the Federation in 1920, Unit member Hallie Jamieson described the “love and ideals of the womanhood of America” that GFWC sent abroad with the Unit. She also claimed to have heard soldiers respond positively (if, at first, with confusion) upon reading her GFWC armband. Click here to read the full Overseas Unit Report from the 1920 Biennial Convention.

After the war, we invited members of the Unit to attend the 1920 GFWC Biennial convention in Des Moines, in order to give them a specially-designed “decoration”: an ornate gold pin, engraved with each woman’s name. (We also very much wanted to bring these women into the GFWC fold and encourage them to join their local women’s clubs, but it’s unclear if that effort was particularly successful.) Unfortunately, GFWC’s record-keeping in this era trended toward finished reports rather than working papers; thus, we didn’t have many details about the Unit other than what was recorded in convention records and the GFWC magazine.

In the 2000s this lack of detail was greatly improved, thanks to the donation of 263 photographs taken by Unit member Freddie Hilp.

Freddie Hilp with camera, 1919

29 year old Blanche Frederika “Freddie” Hilp was working for
the Nevada State Council of Defense when she learned of the GFWC Overseas Unit opportunity. She applied through the Nevada Federation of Women’s Clubs, was accepted, and ended up assigned to one of the YMCA’s “rolling canteens.” From March to July 1919, she drove around the French countryside with chocolate, lemonade, and other goodies, delivering comfort to troops who couldn’t travel to a stationary canteen.

Freddie Hilp, in uniform and holding her camera, on a beach in France, 1919.

Snapshots of Freddie Hilp's vehicles, 1919

During her trip, Freddie drove or rode in at least two different canteen vehicles, probably decommissioned ambulances, which she nicknamed Daisy and Faith. Left: “Daisy, myself & Paul April 14-1919” Right: “‘Faith’ – in Albert. June 20 1919″

Snapshots taken by Freddie Hilp, 1919

Fortunately for us, Freddie brought along her camera. She snapped photos of new friends; of the servicemen she and her colleagues encountered; of historic sites and French residents; of working days, and time off for fun.

Top left: “Entraining 77th Division” Top right: “Forwarding Camp – 21st Eng” Bottom left: Parame – France. Miss Carlson [?], me, [unnamed], Luckie” Bottom right: General Pershing visited the camp on “June 2 1919”

Freddie also documented the devastation wrought by the war. Amidst her cheerful snapshots are poignant photos of ruined towns, blighted landscapes, barbed wire, and newly-dug cemeteries.

Snapshots taken by Freddie Hilp, 1919

Top left: “Barbed wire – no man’s land. June 25 1919″ Bottom left:Belleau Woods500 crosses. June 27 1919″ Right: Montfaucon. June 29 1919″

Freddie Hilp’s tour of duty lasted only a few months, but the experience was a life-changing one. In Europe she met a serviceman from Illinois named William F. Gliessman. They married in 1920, and moved to her native state of Nevada; their only surviving child, Lester Hilp Gliessman, was born in 1921. Sadly, Freddie died of ovarian cancer in 1929, just a few weeks short of her 40th birthday.

In 2004, Lester Gliessman’s daughter, Leslie Holt, offered the WHRC her grandmother’s photo collection, opening up for us an amazing window into GFWC’s wartime work. A few years later a collector donated an Overseas Service pin owned by Martelle Thomas of Florda, adding another piece to the puzzle; up to that point we knew there had been a pin, but we didn’t know what it looked like. And just a few months ago, our own GFWC President-Elect Wendy Carriker won an eBay auction for another Overseas Pin.

Front and back of Freddie Hilp's Overseas Unit pin

I am not embarrassed to admit that when Wendy described her successful bid and said “I think the name on the back was something like Freddie…?” I literally jumped up and down with excitement. It turns out that Leslie Holt died in 2017; her widower, not aware of the connection to Leslie’s earlier donation, put this piece from her collection up for sale. The muse of history was looking out for us, and Wendy spotted the auction. When she told Mr. Holt she would be donating the pin to the WHRC to join Leslie’s earlier donation, he said she would have been so glad to know that her grandmother’s story was of such importance to us.

GFWC Overseas Unit alumnae, 1920

Group photo of the Overseas Unit women who attended the General Federation of Women’s Clubs Biennial Convention in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1920. Though the women are not identified, I think that Freddie is standing in the front row, seventh from left (in the detail view used earlier, she’s third from the left).

A huge thank you to Leslie and Rick Holt for sharing Freddie’s story with us; Wendy Carriker, for keeping an eagle eye on GFWC-related auctions; and Morgan Davis, who cataloged the 263 photos shortly after their donation.

Remember to check back next month for more stories from GFWC history (and present)! To learn more about the WHRC collections, visit the WHRC page or contact us at whrc@gfwc.org.

Joanna Church is the Women’s History and Resource Center Librarian at GFWC Headquarters in Washington, DC. She oversees the WHRC collection, handles research requests, and loves sharing our unique resources with fellow lovers of women’s history.

Learn More about the WHRC

The Women’s History and Resource Center

WHRC: From the Archives


By: Joanna Church, Women’s History and Resource Center Librarian

Welcome, readers, to our new monthly blog series, direct from the GFWC Women’s History and Resource Center! Here, we’ll highlight stories of General Federation history, pulled from our unique archival, photograph, and artifact collections. Check back on the first Thursday of each month for a new post.

To kick things off we’ve chosen a few images from our collections that show clubwomen, past and present, hard at work and Living the Volunteer Spirit. Let’s take a tour through our history!

The Trained Nurses’ Club and Reading Room, New York City, 1894

The Trained Nurses’ Club and Reading Room, New York City, 1894. “A New York City club for ‘trained nurses’ was formed in 1894 in conjunction with a reading room for members who were described as ‘graduate nurses and those who stand high in the profession.’ Pictured are members in the reception area of the club rooms, which included sleeping apartments. Mrs. M.G. Willard, founder of the club, was a permanent resident.” This photo and caption appeared in Reaching Out, the definitive history of GFWC written by Mary Jean Houde and published in 1989 for our Centennial; the image was earlier used in the very first history of GFWC, Jane Cunningham Croly’s 1898 book, The History of the Woman’s Club Movement in America. Many early clubs were organized for study and relaxation, though soon we moved to community action and improvement.

GFWC staff at Headquarters, Washington, DC, 1928

GFWC staff at Headquarters, Washington, DC, 1928. “The ‘Long Office’ at Headquarters in which is rendered valuable service to thousands of clubs and individual club women scattered throughout the world.” Since the 1980s, this 60-foot-long room has served as our Archives, where much of the WHRC collections are housed. This photo and its caption can be found in the August 1928 issue of our magazine, at that time called “General Federation News.”

GFWC Bookmobile, 1941

GFWC leaders with the New Hampshire Federation of Women’s Clubs Bookmobile, 1941. The April 1941 issue of “The Clubwoman” featured this image of GFWC President Saidie Orr Dunbar (far left) with Mrs. Frederick B. Preston (center), President of the New Hampshire Federation, and Lucy Jennings Dickinson (also of New Hampshire), GFWC 2nd Vice President and future President. They are posed with a bookmobile purchased by the New Hampshire Federation for the state public library commission. Libraries – whether stationary or mobile – have long been a major focus of American women’s clubs, and of the General Federation itself.

“Saguache, Colorado club women at work,” 1959. Since the late 1940s, GFWC has sponsored a biannual contest for club projects focused on improvements within the local community. Though the contest has gone by different names over the decades, today it is called the Community Impact Program (CIP) award. Because contest submissions include detailed text, imagery, and supporting data, the CIP collection contains a wealth of information for historians, as well as for present-day club members hoping to learn from their predecessors’ successes. (Look for a lot more from the CIP collection in future WHRC blog posts.) In this instance, four clubs in Saguache, Colorado joined forces to organize a community council, secure a town doctor, and create a museum; the project was a national finalist, netting the clubs a $1,000 prize in 1960.

GFWC San Xavier Woman's Club

Officers of the San Xavier Woman’s Club, Tucson, Arizona, 1964. GFWC has a long history of member clubs in Native American communities, particularly in western and midwestern states. The San Xavier Woman’s Club of Tucson was founded in the 1950s as a “mother’s club” by women living in the Tohono O’odham Nation (then called the Papago Reservation); in 1964 they federated with Arizona and GFWC in order to better coordinate their work with other area organizations. This photo, showing the club officers receiving their GFWC Charter, was published in “Clubwoman,” November 1964. Left to right (seated): Miss Carmelita Antone, president; Miss Mary Lucy Wilson, 1st vice president; (standing): Mrs. Albert S. Frank, treasurer; Miss Rufina Morris, 2nd vice president; and Miss Evangeline Ignacio, secretary.

Kansas clubwomen, 1972

Kansas clubwomen repairing windows, 1972. Here’s another photo from our CIP collection, this one showing members of the Johnson County Young Matrons, of Shawnee Mission, Kansas, rehabbing a house to hold the Temporary Lodging for Children, an emergency shelter for community kids “who are temporarily without parents of a home due to circumstances beyond their control.” The project was awarded first place in the 1972-1974 contest. In the club’s submission, this photo was captioned: “The fruits of our labor brought satisfaction to all!!” (Yes, complete with two exclamation marks!)

Members of the São Paulo Women’s Club sorting donated clothes, 1986

Members of the São Paulo Women’s Club sorting donated clothes, 1986. GFWC has welcomed international affiliates since our earliest days. Here, a member club in Brazil distributes clothing to children at the Castelinho Community Center; the clothing was donated by Health-Tex as part of the GFWC Concern for Kids International program. The São Paulo Club helped organize the community center in the 1960s, and won third place in the International CIP contest for their work; in 1986 they won first place for their continued efforts with the center. This photo was published in “Clubwoman,” September/October 1986.

GFWC members donate
3 women and one man holding teddy bears

Club members delivering donations, 1995 and 2007. Our magazine has gone by a variety of names over the years, but no matter the title, the hard work of our clubs has been featured since the beginning. Left: Members of the GFWC Woman’s Club of South Milwaukee, Wisconsin, made a donation of paper goods to their local Ronald McDonald House; they were featured in the “Club News” section of the August/September 1995 issue of “Clubwoman.” Right: North Carolina club members made nearly 150 stuffed bears, which were then donated to the Wake County Emergency Medical Services for the benefit of young patients; this photo appeared in the August/September 2007 issue of “Clubwoman” under “Volunteers in Action.”

Atlanta Woman’s Club members preparing lunch for shelter residents, 2023. The inaugural GFWC National Day of Service, held on September 24th, 2023, brought nearly one thousand GFWC clubs together to tackle the problem of food insecurity in their communities. Participating clubs submitted reports and photographs, which are preserved in the WHRC archival collections. Here, the Atlanta Woman’s Club of Georgia is shown preparing some of the 45 lunches they contributed at a homeless shelter.

GFWC Atlanta Woman's Club food insecurity on National Day of Service 2023

Remember to check back next month for more stories from GFWC history (and present)! To learn more about the WHRC collections, visit the WHRC page or contact us at whrc@gfwc.org.

Joanna Church is the Women’s History and Resource Center Librarian at GFWC Headquarters in Washington, DC. She oversees the WHRC collection, handles research requests, and loves sharing our unique resources with fellow lovers of women’s history.

Learn More about the WHRC

The Women’s History and Resource Center

Award-Winning Author Amy S. Peele Appointed GFWC Honorary Chairman Of Health and Wellness & Education and Libraries

Washington, DC, September 5, 2024 — The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) is pleased to announce Amy S. Peele as the 2024-2026 GFWC Honorary Chairman of Health and Wellness, and Education and Libraries Community Service Programs (CSP). The appointment to serve GFWC Honorary Chairman is a national distinction and recognition of a career of leadership and public service.

“When I heard Mrs. Peele speak at the GFWC California Convention a few months ago, I knew she would be a perfect fit for the GFWC Honorary Chairmen Program,” said Jolie Frankfurth, GFWC First Vice President and Dean of the 2024-2026 Honorary Chairmen Program. “Amy’s expertise in storytelling, and real-life experiences allow her to communicate difficult situations with honesty and levity, at the same time pairing passion of work with expertise—a truly gifted orator. I look forward to her enlightening articles, webinars, and in-person presentations this Administration.”

GFWC incorporated the Honorary Chairmen to elevate the scope of volunteer work in its Special Programs, such as Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness, and Advocates for Children, and CSP areas: Arts and Culture, Civic Engagement and Outreach, Education and Libraries, Environment, and Health and Wellness; and Advancement Areas: Membership, Leadership, Communications and Public Relations, and Legislation and Public Policy. These issue experts lend their knowledge and expertise to benefit the quality of work performed by GFWC.

Amy S. Peele is the award-winning, best-selling author of CutMatch, and Hold, medical mysteries. Originally from Chicago, she went to nursing school at South Chicago School of Nursing, fell in love with the field of transplant at the University of Chicago, and then moved to San Francisco (Marin County) in 1985 to further her career in transplantation. After 35 years she retired from her role as Director of Clinical Operations at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), overseeing 600 organ transplants annually. She also studied improv at Second City Players. Amy enjoys public speaking, swimming, teaching yoga, and meditating.

For more information about the GFWC Honorary Chairmen Program, contact Jolie Frankfurth, GFWC First Vice President, at JFrankfurth@GFWC.org.

Press Release

2024-2026 GFWC Board of Directors Address Critical Issues Affecting Families Nationwide

Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention, Kids Online Safety, & Anti-Trafficking

Washington, DC, August 26, 2024 — Approximately 200 members of the 2024-2026 General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Board of Directors convened in Washington, DC, August 22-25, to focus on the GFWC Signature Programs – Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention, and Advocates for Children. The GFWC Board learned from issue experts about critically important federal resources and pending legislation in Congress, engaged in ways to communicate these issues with state federations and local clubs to reach our 62,000 members, and empowered us to act. In addition, they conducted the essential business of the organization and finalized plans for the upcoming regional meetings taking place in September and October.

“It is an honor to welcome to the GFWC Board of Directors Meeting our distinguished speakers and key GFWC national leadership who volunteer innumerable hours to serve their states and communities,” said Suellen B. Brazil, GFWC International President. “GFWC has over 25 committees implementing the 2024-2026 Administration initiatives. I also want to thank our guest speakers for taking time out of their schedule to inspire us with the Women’s Suffrage National Monument, and inform us about key programs and resources available through the federal Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services, the critical demand for safe and affordable housing for domestic and sexual violence survivors and their families, and on congressional efforts to protect our children from online sexual exploitation and enact anti-trafficking measures.”

2023 GFWC Top Projects

Every year GFWC features exemplary club projects in each of our advancement and community service program areas. This is a small sampling of the incredible work that members do every day to improve their communities. 

GFWC Special Programs

GFWC Community service Programs

GFWC advancement areas

2024 GFWC Contest Winners

Photography Contest Categories

Living the Volunteer Spirit

First Place

“Planting Pots on the Square”
– Sheila Frye
GFWC Monroe Woman’s Club (WI)

Second Place

“We Got This!”
– Ellen Van Vranken,
GFWC Winterport Woman’s Club (ME)

Third Place

“Funnel Cake Ladies”
– Jacqie Hegarty,
GFWC Papillon Junior Woman’s Club (NE)

Natural Wonders

First Place

“Quiet Drive”
– Jeanette Moore-Burlock,
GFWC Fuquay-Varina Woman’s Club (NC)

Second Place

“Summer Morning in London”
– T.C. Mueller,
GFWC Herrin Woman’s Club (IL)

Third Place

“Natural Bridge”
– Holly Martin,
GFWC Harwinton Woman’s Club (CT)


First Place

“Reflections of the Grand Canyon”
– Alisa Estrada (NM)
GFWC Silver City Woman’s Club

Second Place

“One Moment in Time after the Storm”
– Claudette Nason
GFWC Winterport Women’s Club (ME)

Third Place

“Reflections of Congaree National Park”
– Tracy Mueller,
GFWC Pocono Woman’s Club (PA)

World Up Close

First Place

“Tomato Showers”
– Jeanette Moore-Burlock
GFWC Fuquay-Varina Woman’s Club (NC)

Second Place

“I Feel Pretty”
– Ellen Van Vrankin
GFWC Winterport Woman’s Club (ME)

Third Place

“Are You Awake, Grandma?”
– Sandra Soria,
GFWC Woman’s Club of Pewaukee (WI)

Third Place

“Fibonacci Fighting Conch”
– Anne Pedersen,
GFWC Barbourville Junior Woman’s Study Club (KY)

Looking for Award Winners?

There were so many winners we needed two pages!

GFWC Writing Contest Winners

Read Full Entries

Contest Winners

Website Contest
  • State Federation Category Awards
    • Category 5 – GFWC Oregon
    • Category 4 – GFWC Wyoming
    • Category 3 – GFWC Maryland
    • Category 2 – GFWC Georgia
    • Category 1 – GFWC New Jersey
  • Individual Club Winners
    • 3rd Place – GFWC Woman’s Club of Rock Hill (SC)
    • 2nd Place – GFWC Bitterroot Women’s Club (MT)
    • 1st Place – GFWC Bradenton Women’s Club (FL)
Newsletter Contest
  • State Federation Category Awards
    • Category 5 – GFWC New Mexico
    • Category 4 – GFWC Maine
    • Category 3 – GFWC Mississippi
    • Category 2 – GFWC Wisconsin
    • Category 1 – GFWC North Carolina
  • Individual Club Winners
    • 3rd Place – GFWC Brunswick Woman’s Club (GA)
    • 2nd Place – GFWC Moorpark Women’s Club (CA)
    • 1st Place – GFWC Holden Beach Women’s Club (NC)

2024 GFWC Award Winners

Jennie Award Winners

2024 Jennie Award Recipients
  • Great Lakes Region—Paula Schlice
  • Middle Atlantic  Region– Mindy Goss
  • Mississippi Valley Region – Sue Hass
  • New England Region – Jennifer Nowak
  • South Central Region – Lynn Long
  • Southeastern Region – Vicki Ross Bechet
  • Southern Region – Susie H. Malone
  • Western States Region – Diane Bell

Community Service Program Awards

Arts & CUlture
  • Category 5 – GFWC Rhode Island
  • Category 4 – GFWC Nebraska
  • Category 3 – GFWC Arizona
  • Category 2 – GFWC Connecticut
  • Category 1 – GFWC Florida
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Bonsall Woman’s Club
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Women’s Citizenship Club of Alamosa
Civic engagement & OUtreach
  • Category 5 – GFWC Oregon
  • Category 4 – GFWC Maine
  • Category 3 – GFWC New Hampshire
  • Category 2 – GFWC Massachusetts
  • Category 1 – GFWC Texas
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Dedham Junior Women’s Club
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC The Dover Century Club
Education and Libraries
  • Category 5 – GFWC Colorado
  • Category 4 – GFWC Maine
  • Category 3 – GFWC New Hampshire
  • Category 2 – GFWC Kentucky
  • Category 1 – GFWC New Jersey
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Eggleston Club (IN)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Bloomington Federated Women’s Club (MN)
ESO Awards
  • Category 5 – GFWC New Mexico
  • Category 4 – GFWC Louisiana
  • Category 3 – GFWC Ohio
  • Category 2 – GFWC Tennessee
  • Category 1 – GFWC California
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC North Texas Woman’s Club (TX)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Tuesday Club of Columbia (MO)
  • Category 5 – GFWC Idaho
  • Category 4 – GFWC Wyoming
  • Category 3 – GFWC Ohio
  • Category 2 – GFWC Kentucky
  • Category 1 – GFWC North Carolina
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Woman’s Club of Madisonville
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Space Coast Woman’s Club, Inc.
health & wellness
  • Category 5 – GFWC Oregon
  • Category 4 – GFWC Maine
  • Category 3 – GFWC New York
  • Category 2 – GFWC Michigan
  • Category 1 – GFWC Virginia
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Woman’s Club of Pleasanton
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Woman’s Club of Panama City

Advancement Awards

Communications and Public relations
  • Category 5 – GFWC Colorado
  • Category 4 – GFWC Montana
  • Category 3 – GFWC Mississippi
  • Category 2 – GFWC Massachusetts
  • Category 1 – GFWC Virginia
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Madison Heights Women’s Club (MI)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Woman’s Club  of Windsor, Inc. (VA)
Fundraising and Development
  • Category 5 – GFWC Colorado
  • Category 4 – GFWC Montana
  • Category 3 – GFWC New Hampshire
  • Category 2 – GFWC South Carolina
  • Category 1 – GFWC North Carolina
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Village Improvement Association (DE)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Hollis Woman’s Club (NH)
  • Category 5 – GFWC New Mexico
  • Category 4 – GFWC Maine
  • Category 3 – GFWC Arizona
  • Category 2 – GFWC Wisconsin
  • Category 1 – GFWC North Carolina
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC MIOSAC Club (ME)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Wyoming Leading Ladies (WY)
Legislation & Public Policy
  • Category 5 – GFWC Colorado
  • Category 4 – GFWC Washington
  • Category 3 – GFWC Maryland
  • Category 2 – GFWC Georgia
  • Category 1 – GFWC North Carolina
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Bitterroot Woman’s Club (MT)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Central Oregon (OR)
  • Category 5 – GFWC Oregon
  • Category 4 – GFWC Maine
  • Category 3 – GFWC Mississippi
  • Category 2 – GFWC South Carolina
  • Category 1 – GFWC Florida
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Dover Area Woman’s Club (NH)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Dallas Woman’s Club (GA)
Women’s History and Resource center
  • Category 5 – GFWC Colorado
  • Category 4 – GFWC Kansas
  • Category 3 – GFWC Arizona
  • Category 2 – GFWC Massachusetts
  • Category 1 – GFWC North Carolina
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC TOPPS (Terrific Old Past Presidents) Club (MT)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Bridgewater Woman’s Club (NJ)

Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention Awards

  • Category 5 – GFWC Rhode Island
  • Category 4 – GFWC Nebraska
  • Category 3 – GFWC Maryland
  • Category 2 – GFWC Tennessee
  • Category 1 – GFWC California
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Hope Juniorette Club (CA)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Northwest Florida Service Group (FL)
Signature Program: Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention Fund

1.    Carol Habgood

2.    GFWC Pierce Arrows

3.    Cynthia and Gregory Geis

4.    Kimberly Plater

5.    GFWC Illinois

6.    GFWC Florida

7.    Mary Pat Marcello

8.    Sherry Stutts (tie)

8.    Christine Steele (tie)

9.   GFWC Charlotte Woman’s Club

10. GFWC Mississippi

Junior’s Special Program: Advocates for Children

  • Category 5 – GFWC Oregon
  • Category 4 – GFWC Nebraska
  • Category 3 – GFWC Ohio
  • Category 2 – GFWC Alabama
  • Category 1 – GFWC California
  • Club Creativity Award – GFWC Long Valley Juniorettes (NJ)
  • Honorable Mention – GFWC Oconomowoc Junior Woman’s Club (WI)

Millie Crom Award for Excellence in Junior State Leadership

Platinum Level Recipients
  • Christa Nuckols (FL)
  • Nicole Braun (GA)
  • Marisa Jablanksi (MA)
  • Denise Price (VA)
  • Suzanne Hooser (WI)
Gold Level Recipients
  • Sherri Hammons (KY)
  • Sandra Dunbar (LA)
  • Mimi French (MD)
  • Hope Hockaday (NC)
  • Karen Margala (OH)
  • Shelli Pue (SC)
  • Sarah Starkey (TN)

State Membership Increases

Looking for Contest Winners?

There were so many winners we needed two pages!

2024 GFWC Annual Convention Photos

Bring home more than memories

Photos from the 2024 GFWC Annual Convention are now available for download.

Thanks to Laura Bergman, GFWC Minnesota, for her work capturing the many sparkling memories.

View Photo Gallery

2024 Call to Convention

Washington, DC, March 12, 2024 — GFWC cordially invites you to attend the 2024 Annual Convention, June 28 to July 1, in Chicago. Don’t miss your opportunity to learn new club strategies for membership growth, Community Service Programs, fundraising, and more. Also, join your Federation sisters to celebrate the successes of the 2022-2024 Administration and International President Deb Strahanoski’s leadership. Enjoy also the ambience of the Chicago Hilton, a member of Historic Hotels of America, it’s GORGEOUS and centrally located in the heart of the city. There is something for everyone at this year’s Annual Convention — making it an event not to be missed.

Check out the Call to Convention.

Be sure to register early and save!

New Members Only Portal

You asked and we listened…

The GFWC Executive Committee is pleased to present the latest, greatest “Members-Only” platform to help you access important GFWC documents and connect with fellow clubwomen. It is user-friendly and easy to get started!

Your current account information will be transferred to the new platform. All users will need to complete a one-time registration using their existing email on the new portal.


You can download files from the Digital Library, view photo galleries, make donations, search for registered members, send direct messages, and much more!

Please allow 2-3 business days for GFWC staff to approve your profile. We thank you for your patience, as we expect to experience a high volume of requests at the beginning of this transition.

To access the new Member Portal from GFWC’s website, click on the pink MEMBER LOGIN button in the upper right corner.

#GFWC #GFWC_HQ #IamGFWC #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit