GFWC of Holden Beach Club (North Carolina) 
The GFWC Holden Beach Club had a contactless Health and Wellness Community Service Program project. Many students received free breakfast and lunch in the public schools. They may receive scholarships for college tuition and books, but there is often no money for food. Club members saw this need, and with a contactless delivery program, the club stocked the student food pantry at Brunswick Community College.
The committee counted 1,193 items donated, a total value of $582.
GFWC Treasure Coast Women (Florida)
GFWC Treasure Coast Women’s Arts and Culture Community Service Program has been very active this past month with two projects. The club collected and also purchased arts and crafts materials for all of the 21 Head Start schools in Indian River County, FL. Artsy members also took on decorating donation boxes for the club’s drive-thru food drive for the Salvation Army’s Food Pantry.
GFWC du Midi Woman’s Club of Huntsville (Alabama)
To support the 80+ projects, du Midi Woman’s Club of Huntsville held its first Friday Drive-Thru Donation Day on October 2. The club’s Community Service Program Chairmen and club volunteers pulled into socially-distanced parking spaces at the donated site of Trinity United Methodist Church.
Members opened the trunks of their vehicles, which were fully decorated with posters, balloons, and information. Volunteers greeted everyone, emptied donated items into the proper car trunk, and pointed out the location of the club’s newest yearbook and presented everyone with the club’s 39th Anniversary yellow rose pin.
Club President Cherie Byrne thank everyone after they donated. Donations collected benefited UNICEF, St. Jude’s Huntsville Affiliate Clinic, the Liz Hurley Ribbon Run (virtual), Soles4Souls, Operation Green Team Homeless, Tigers for Tomorrow, and other causes. Cash donations totaled more than $3,200.
This First Friday Drive-thru Donation Day will continue until this large club can once again meet in person.