Letter From Director of Junior Clubs

Dear Fellow GFWC Members,

What an honor it is to welcome you to the 2022-2024 Administration as the 36th GFWC Director of Junior Clubs!  I look forward to serving alongside you all as we continue the work of our fore sisters. From 90 years of Junior membership to 100 years in our beautiful home at 1734 N Street, we will have many reasons to celebrate together!

The guiding concept for the Junior Administration will be to “Share your Sparkle.” We know all the great things our members do–we need to share them with the world!

Service: Give back to Others!

Passion: Find what you love!

Advocacy: Speak up for those who can’t!

Representation: Vote and join the Legislative Center!

Kudos: Brag about your members, club, state, and GFWC!

Leadership: Develop members at the club level!

Excitement: Tell your friends, family, and community what GFWC is about!

Advocates for Children continues to be the Junior’s Special Program. We will encourage clubs to plan projects for their favorite local organizations and/or March of Dimes, St. Jude’s, and Prevent Child Abuse America. We will also celebrate Advocates for Children Week the fourth week of October. The emphasis of Advocates for Children Week will be to promote a collection of personal hygiene items, clothing, and blankets to local organizations benefitting children removed from homes due to unsafe conditions.  We encourage all clubs to participate and Share Your Sparkle!

When you “Share Your Sparkle,” your passion, drive, and dedication shine to all.  Let’s use the best tool we have of all to promote GFWC–OUR MEMBERS!

In Junior Love,

Katie Moydell, GFWC Director of Junior Clubs